Lightning Round
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Buckle up, this session will feature quick takes on a range of hot topics in transportation electrification. You're certain to be informed, challenged, and intrigued. Lightning Talks will include:

  • Aaron Fishbone - User-Centric and Future Proof - Developing the EV Charging Policy Framework in Europe
  • Bill LeBlanc - Putting Humans at the Center of the EV Revolution
  • Rebecca Saletta - Innovative Financing for ZEV Fleets: Beyond the Grant 
  • Jenn -Schimmelpfennig - Harnessing the Power of Next Generation: How Teens Can Fuel the Electric Revolution
  • Tegan Molloy - Charge point operators: the linchpins of our public charging infrastructure
  • Brendan McEwen - EV Adoption in Multifamily Buildings – Best Practice Policies, Programs, and Utility Systems Planning