The call for proposals has closed. Thank you to all those who submitted. Proposal submitters will be notified about your session by mid March.

Submission Timeline

November 6, 2023  Call for Proposals issued

December 22, 2023 — Extended Deadline for proposal submissions

March 19, 2024 — Announcement of accepted proposals

April 1, 2024 — Deadline to confirm participation with bio and headshot

April 30, 2024 — Program launched online

September 24-26, 2024 — Forth Roadmap Conference - Detroit, Michigan

Review Criteria

Forth will use the following criteria as a means for evaluating proposals. Please note the majority of our audience has knowledge of electric mobility and does not need introductory information.

  1. Innovative: Is this proposal covering a new program, project, policy or technology that industry stakeholders should know about? 
  2. Relevant: Is this proposal covering a critical, practical and timely topic that is vital to industry growth?
  3. Equity: is this proposal directly or indirectly addressing barriers to access for historically underserved communities?

Submission Details

Please submit the following through our online submission form. Only proposals submitted through this online form will receive full consideration.

  • Title 20 words maximum.
  • Session Type: Presentation, Lightning Round, Interactive Workshop
  • Abstract 500 words maximum; 100 word minimum
  • Learning Objectives Please list a few lessons/insights the audience will take away from your proposed session and be able to use in their work.
  • Speaker Details Including name(s), affiliation, professional title, email address & phone number, bio (100‐300 words) and 1-3 examples of speaking experience (event, presentation title, length, date, and audience size).
  • Submitter’s Contact Information The "submitter" is the individual completing the online form, and who will be available to answer any logistical questions about the submission.

The Roadmap Conference is known for its engaging, interactive approach and its rich content. We are interested in a range of session types, including:  

  • Presentation. The majority of breakout sessions consist of thematic panels featuring 3-4 speakers and a moderator, with presentations of 10-20 minutes each and time for Q&A with the audience. This option is best for individual speaker submissions. 
  • Interactive workshop. Forth welcomes suggestions for hands-on, experiential learning sessions; let us know how you would structure such a session, what outcomes could be expected, and what you would require in terms of time or technology. 
  • Lightning round. These lively sessions will include “Ignite” style presentations of 5-6 minutes each.

Note: Forth strongly prefers individual proposals over panel submissions. 

Forth requests that all proposals focus on educational outcomes, including sharing best practices, addressing lessons learned and proposing actionable steps. 

Presentations should not be a platform for business promotion. If a presentation relates to a specific business, product, technology or project, the emphasis should be on the underlying research or innovation, with the objective of providing insight that attendees can apply to their own work. 

Research findings should reflect data collected within the last 18 months and contribute to on-the-ground solutions.

Forth seeks diverse representation from different geographic regions and disciplines, as well as race and gender diversity, to ensure the program reflects the diversity of the field. We structure our panels with speakers who represent different sectors and perspectives to foster engaging discussions.

To ensure the diversity of speakers and perspectives, with few exceptions, we will not invite presenters to speak more than once nor will we invite more than two individuals from the same organization to join the program. We will prioritize speakers who have spoken fewer than three consecutive years on the Roadmap Conference program.

If the topic/content is specific to a geographic region, then presentations should highlight how it can be applied to other regions as well. 

Selected speakers will be offered a deeply discounted full conference registration rate of $99 and are encouraged to attend the full conference. A limited number of travel stipends for speakers representing community-based organizations will be available on a first-come-first serve basis, and Forth also offers the Mobility for All scholarship for conference attendees, which speakers may apply for. 

Please submit all proposals in our online submission portal. Proposals not submitted through the online portal will not be considered.

Forth reserves the right to modify submissions, change the suggested format and accept partial panel speaker suggestions in order to bring the most innovative and relevant content possible to our audience. 

Questions? Please email